Eric Neer

I'm a Data Scientist and Engineer interested in operations, statistics, and functional programming. I maintain this site as a way to document my learning and writing in public.


Master's Thesis Research - Investigation of mechanical properties of carbon nanotube reinforced composite laminates.


  • MS Thesis, Stiffness Predictions of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Two and Three-phase Polymer Composites
  • SAMPE 2016 Conference Paper and Talk, Micromechanical Stiffness Predictions at the Nano-Scale: Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites


  • Graduate Dean's List Award, College of Engineering (2015-2016), CSULB May 2016
  • Outstanding Thesis Award, Aerospace Engineering (2015-2016), CSULB May 2016


Authored by Eric Neer with Emacs 30.0.91 (Org mode 9.7.11)